Customer Feedback

We Want to Hear From You. There is an Easy Feedback Form below to tell us how we are doing.
You may also click HERE for direct Customer Service contacts to speak directly with Management.
There is also contact information below for State of Texas regulatory bodies that oversee Landmark.

Here at Landmark, we strive to deliver high quality infusion & home medical equipment services consistent with our “Whatever It Takes” customer service philosophy. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you with any difficulties or grievances you may have. With your feedback, we can continually make our customer service better.
You have the right to freely voice grievances and recommend changes in care or services, without fear of reprisal or interruption of services. Voice any concerns or issues with Landmark Healthcare’s Customer Service Department by calling our Customer Support or fill out the online customer feedback form below.
All logged complaints will be investigated, acted upon and responded to in writing or by telephone by a manager within a reasonable amount of time after we receive the complaint. If there is no satisfactory resolution of the complaint, the next level of management will be notified progressively on up to the President of the company.
If you feel your issue is not resolved in a timely and satisfactory manner, you may lodge a complaint with any of the following:
Texas Department of State Health Services (toll free inquiry/complaint line)
Consumer Protection Division of the Texas Department of Insurance
The Joint Commission
Texas State Board of Pharmacy